I have noticed that while I am on, I keep getting DCed in loto still. That is when I realized it was the bless effect messing with me. Here is a few steps to delete these effects.
1) Go into your dominus folder, then double click the C3 folder, then double click the effects folder.
2) While in the effects folder, look for a folder named other.
3) While in other, look for both bless, and blessflag folders.
4) Delete all the files in these folders, but LEAVE the folders in tact. "I Mean do not delete the folders, while deleting the files. Leave all the folders in the same place, you will need to go into the folders inside both the bless and blessflag folders... these are the folders you leave alone..... QUIT DELETING THEM YOU DAMN DIRTY APE!!!!"
Now you are ready to log in. Simple huh?